Jeonju Int’l Sori Festival

UPDATE (April 2019): The links below have been changed a while ago, but the articles are still hosted by the Sori Festival. You can find some of my texts there following this link.

Since spring 2012, I am a guest blogger for  소리타래 (soritarae), the official blog of the Jeonju International Sori Festival (전주세계소리축제). Every month, I write one or two articles, mostly performance reviews, but also general comments, interviews, or reports on festivals etc.

소리타래 literally means “a bunch of sound”: bunch as in “bunch of garlic” and sound as in pansoriThe subtitle 소리한상가득 could be translated as “a dinner table full of sound”, referring to the large number of different side dishes that Jeolla-do (the province where Jeonju is located) is famous for. As both titles suggest, the blog features an eclectic series of articles on music, both from Korea and abroad (with, you guessed it, a special focus on pansori), as well as guide to restaurants and other places to go in Jeonju.

My posts are all published in Korean. In the beginning I mostly wrote in English—my original text and the translation were published side-a-side—, but now I tend to give it a try in Korean, of course with editorial help from the blog managers.

This is a list of my posts at 소리타래—I’ll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible:

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